12 October 2010

"aha" moment - Ephesians 5:22-24

As I was finishing up the book of Ephesians today, I read Eph 5:22-24 as though for the first time. The Lord has been convicting me of my lack of knowledge and, simply put, lack of effort toward my Bible, so with re committed eyes, heart and mind I have been reading one chapter of Bible before continuing on toward anything else during the spells of time throughout the day which I would deem "my time". More to the point is this; The way I behave toward my husband is a direct reflection of the way I treat Jesus in my life. Sure, my husband is a fallen sinner, so there's more outside influence and opportunity for my sin to arise, but it is not he that "makes" me sin, just shows me that my heart is black and desires toward sin. I am excited about this new connection the Lord has helped me to make. So, what is my "aha" moment may well be your, "duh, you, everyone knows that" moment. Not so friend - this is the kind of stuff some need to be taught.